Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Final Project Menu

Content Standards
Content Instruction
Lesson Structure
Assessment of Student Performance

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Final Project-Technology

For this lesson the classroom needs to be equipped with a SMART board which also requires a computer. The computer will also be used to play music that the students will be singing the song along to. The teacher will use the SMART board to display the song and will also have the it available to display the worksheets which the students will be given as well as the butterfly life cycle. Students will have the opportunity to interact with the SMART board in order to create a visual graphic organizer to practice the concept of sequencing.

Final Project- Assessment of Student Performance

The teacher will cycle through the class during independent/group activity time and check on students' graphic organizers in order to be able to assess where each student is at. The teacher will also use the homework and worksheets in order to asses the child's understanding of sequencing.

Final Project-Lesson Structure

- The book The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- Butterfly Life Cycle
- Butterfly Life Cycle Song
- SMART board

1. Introduce the idea of sequencing; the order of events in a story or in our lives. Explain that sequence helps us to comprehend the story or situation. Explain sequencing through getting ready for school. We don’t come to school and then brush our teeth. Ask students if they can put the routine into the correct order. Students will place routine events in order by using the SMART board. There is a specific order in which we carry out tasks. This is the same idea when we read a book. Understanding the order of events helps us to understand the story.
2. Introduce the book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and then ask if the students if any have heard or read this story before. I will explain that the main purpose of reading the book is to listen for the main events in the story in order. Next I will read the story. I will explain to them that in the book there was an order in the story regarding the life cycle of a butterfly. Towards the ending, I will have students participate in the part where it says, “but he was still hungry”.
3. I will introduce a song that goes to the tune of “Up on the Housetop” along with motions that will teach students the life cycle of a butterfly. The song will be displayed on the SMART board for the students. I will first sing through the song and do the motions and ask that they repeat after me. Then we will go through the song twice. This song organizes the stages of the butterfly life cycle. The lyrics are as follows:

First comes a butterfly lays an egg
Out comes a caterpillar with many legs
Oh see the caterpillar spin and spin
A little chrysalis to sleep in
Oh oh oh look and see
Oh oh oh look and see
Out of the chrysalis
My oh my
Out comes a pretty butterfly

Independent/Group Practice
Two activities will be available for students to practice sequencing events from the story. Students will be encouraged to work with their table group so that they can think out loud and learn from each other
Activity 1: Students will recreate their own graphic organizers in groups, of what the very hungry caterpillar ate on each particular day. After students complete their own graphic organizers the class will join as a whole and use the SMART board to display a graphic organizer of all the food that the caterpillar ate and on which particular day.
Activity 2: Students will complete a worksheet that contains two stories, one of a morning routine and one of the butterfly life cycle that they will place in the correct order. After the students complete their worksheets the class will join as a whole and use the SMART board to show the correct sequence of the morning routine and the butterfly life cycle.


Option 1: Students will color and cut out pictures of their morning routine and place them in correct order and then write a sentence for each picture

Option 2: Students will be given a worksheet that contains different actions that take place in the morning that they will need to place in the correct sequence

Final Project- Content Instruction

Objectives to be attained by the end of the lesson

-Students will be able to sequence any set of events in the correct order (2.1)
-Students will learn the meaning of new vocabulary words (2.4, 2.6)
-Students will listen for a purpose (2.)
-Students will use the SMART board to arrange story events (2.1, ITSE 3)
-Students will learn the life cycle of a butterfly (2b 2nd Grade life science)

Final Project Content Standards

Curriculum Standard

1st Grade Language Arts: Reading Comprehension
2.1 Identify text that uses sequence or other logical order.

Technology Standard

ISTE Standard 3: Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
- Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation.